
Train station Yerres

Year: 2014

Location: Yerres

Country: France

Volume: 300 m³ expanded clay 8-16 mm

Owner Builder: SNCF

Contractor: GTM TP IDF

Designer: ECE

Problem / Solution

The SNCF is the national association of train transport in France. Therefore, they are also responsible for the management and maintenance of all train stations. Since the train tracks at the train station of Yerres are located at 8 metres height , there is an enormous pressure on the wall flanking the tracks. To reduce settlement and earth pressure, a lightweight yet strong filling material was requested.


Blowing the expanded clay aggregates enabled the contractor to work in the fastest way as possible. Also, since the train station remained open during the works, the nuisance was limited because of the fast way of working.

Why expanded clay?

Because of it’s earth settlement reducing capacities, expanded clay aggregates turned out to be a perfect solution. But mainly the fact that the renovation works needed to be executed at 8 meters above sea ground level and over a length of 70 metres, made the contractor chose for expanded clay aggregates.