Motorway embankment on sliding slope A1 ”Variante di Valico”
Year: 2008-2011
Location: Florence
Country: Italy
Volume: 50.000 m³ expanded clay 0-30 mm
Owner Builder: Autostrade per l’Italia S.p.A.
Contractor: BTP S.p.A., TOTO S.p.A., TODINI S.p.A.
Designer: Spea Ingegneria Europea S.p.A.
Problem / Solution
The construction of the “Variante di Valico” is in a mountainous area with risk of landslide due to the poor geotechnical characteristics of the soil.
Throughout the duration of the “Variante di Valico” job, the versatility of expanded clay was appreciated (adapted to the different strata required), as was the speed and the ability to have the necessary quantities with a short lead time.
Why expanded clay?
To solve the problems it was chosen to realize vertical lightweight steel reinforced walls in order to minimize the vertical charge and so to reduce the destabilizing forces. The lightweight embankments were built with the use of layers of expanded clay and granular material; the average weight of the embankment is approximately 900 kg/m3.