Heavy Lifter Beton (DE)
The Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic (the ‘OSPAR Convention’) entered into force in 1998. One key element of the Convention is the targeted dismantling of offshore steel platforms. In order to comply with the Convention- in the North Sea there are 700 platforms – several consortia concepts were developed for the dismantling of the platforms. A consortium had the idea of developing a robust and cost-effective demounting platform, which should use the Archimedian principle for vertical lifting. This MPU Heavy Lifter consists of a cellular U-shaped float of lightweight concrete, each with a light-weight tower at the four corners. The lightweight concrete represents a challenge to the concrete manufacturers due to the low concrete density and the use of light sand. The contribution describes the basic principles for design and dimensioning, the required concreting properties, the extensive test program with its results and the construction.