Residential building Brandenburg
Year: 2014-2016
Country: Germany
Volume: 11000 m²
Owner Builder: Mr. Schnabel + Mr. Mix, Brandenburg
Contractor: engineer-company Ullrich, Brandenburg
Designer: engineer-company Willmann, Brandenburg
Problem / Solution
Built near a lake on the outskirts of Brandenburg City. intelligent heating technology based on hot air inside the hollow blocks. ideal for small families with 50-60 m² per apartment.
low maintenance, long life time, fire safe, robustness, high thermal and acoustic performances.
Why expanded clay?
Expanded clay masonry is used for external walls with expanded clay hollow blocks with thermal insulation inside with U-value 0,18 W/(m²K) to guarantee a very high thermal insulation in 425 mm thick (0,08 thermal conductivity). Party and internal walls are made of solid expanded clay blocks for good sound reduction. Thin joints of 1-2 mm allow a short construction time. The expanded clay blocks deliver a high fire resistance.