Highway – railway E45 “Göteborg”
Year: 2009-2013
Location: Göteborg-Trollhättan
Country: Sweden
Volume: 200.000 m³ expanded clay 8-20 mm
Owner Builder: Trafikverket
Contractor: Veidekke, PEAB, SKANSKA, NCC, ODEN
Designer: WSP, Sweco, Tyréns
Problem / Solution
New construction and extension of highway and railroad along the Göta Älv river has been built during the last years. The area is exposed to risk for settlements and stability failure along the river bank. Both highway and railroad are built on top of deep clays. Installation of lime-cement columns in combination with light weight embankments has been a successful solution along some critical parts.
No recorded problems after opening. The inhabitants of the area have now a safer road, better environment for residences and a substantial reduction in time for commuting to work. Effective installation and production could be achieved by a local intermediate stock pile, enabling contractors to get large volumes delivered on a short notice.
Why expanded clay?
Expanded clay is a light weight material which is light enough to reduce settlements and tensions in the underlying clay but heavy enough not to cause buoyancy problems in case of flooding. The material is also strong and can cope with cyclic loading in railway embankments. Together with expanded clay the number of lime cement columns could be reduced giving a cost effective solution.